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Rejuvenate Under Eye Hollows With Platelet-Rich Fibrin


Injectable dermal fillers are a popular and effective solution for restoring lost volume and augmenting naturally thin or flat features, but there are some concerns that may be better addressed with an alternative treatment. Undereye circles, for example, can be treated with fillers, but the inherently thin and delicate skin under the eyes makes it difficult to achieve a smooth and natural-looking outcome. At Beautiful Skin Denver, our expert cosmetic injectors and aesthetic providers offer platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) treatment as a superior alternative to undereye fillers, helping clients to turn back the clock and enjoy less artificial, longer-lasting results using the regenerative properties found in their own body.

What causes sunken circles under the eyes?

Dark circles under the eyes are often attributed to fatigue or stress, but they can also be the result of age-related volume loss that results in shadowing beneath the eyes. In this case, restoring lost volume is an effective way to reduce the appearance of undereye circles and hollowness. Rejuvenating wrinkled and dull skin below the eyes can also greatly diminish the unwanted side effects of aging undereyes. With PRF therapy, all of these concerns can be addressed simultaneously to produce beautiful, youthful-looking results.

How does PRF under the eyes work?

PRF, which is similar to platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, begins with a small blood draw from the arm. The tube of blood is then spun in our on-site centrifuge, which isolates fibrin from the other components of the blood. The isolated fibrin, which is rich in growth factors, is placed into a syringe in preparation for treatment. If needed, a topical anesthetic can be applied to the undereye area. Finally, the PRF is carefully injected into the undereye hollows. Over the next several weeks and months, the PRF works to stimulate the growth of new, healthy cells, collagen, and other essential components for plump, healthy, youthful skin.

How long do PRF injections take to work?

It can take about 3 – 6 weeks to see visible results after PRF injections under the eyes. As the regenerative elements of the PRF begin to take effect, the results will continue to improve for several months. Most clients can expect their PRF injection results to last for up to 12 – 18 months or longer.

Where can PRF injections be used?

In addition to undereye circles, PRF injection therapy can be used to address a wide variety of facial aging symptoms. Some of the most common treatment areas for PRF injection therapy include:

  • Undereyes
  • Tear troughs
  • Temples
  • Cheeks
  • Jowls/jawline
  • Chin

Can fillers and PRF be combined?

When it comes to the undereyes and tear troughs specifically, the medical community has largely found that the delicate nature of these features responds best to PRF therapy alone. However, a combination of fillers plus PRF injections is often used to produce notably beautiful and natural-looking results in other areas of the face. During your initial consultation for cosmetic injections and PRF therapy in Denver, CO, our experienced team will recommend the most appropriate combination of treatments and products to help you achieve your desired outcome and love your look more than ever before.

Sunken eyes have you feeling down? Consider platelet-rich fibrin undereye injections in Denver, CO

While fillers have long been used to minimize undereye hollowness, PRF injections offer an even more compelling solution for clients seeking the smoothest, most natural, most youthful-looking results possible. For more information on the benefits of PRF injections for anti-aging, call Beautiful Skin Denver to schedule your private consultation with one of our aesthetic experts today.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.